Tuesday, January 19, 2010

No TV days rock!!!

As WAHM's, we always look for ways to get our very unrealistic to-do lists accomplished. Often times we think the TV is a good way to get 30 minutes here or 30 minutes there to make that phone call to the oh-so annoying cell phone company or cable provider.....you know the kind of calls I am talking about....the ones where we go through the automated chaos to be transferred several times to not being able to understand the person on the other line....and then, to be 'accidentally' disconnected.....yes, THAT phone call. Or maybe we are trying to check out email uninterrupted or hang out on facebook......I don't know who would do that :-)
Anyway, I find just the opposite happens when I introduce TV as my 30 minute helper. Today has been a no TV day and the girls have thought up all kinds of fun things to do ~ they have used their new sunglasses as inspiration to be rock stars and perform countless rock concerts ~ they have actually practiced their letters on dry erase boards and created several art pieces. All the while, I actually read an entire magazine from cover to cover after putting away groceries and loading the dishwasher.....priceless!
Now, I must go upstairs as I am late for my favorite mommy treat....mommy bath time with Oprah. The girls will be watching 30 minutes of Berenstain Bears :-)

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