Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Michelle's First Post!

My first post! I feel all grown up now ~ my partner, Sarah, tends to be the creative ‘blog poster’ while I seem to never find time or a topic that I think anyone would care about.

As I read other blogs, I find that I am interested in reading those that provide me a sense of a greater group of those living the same wonderful chaos of motherhood. I enjoy hearing the successes and challenges other mom’s face. I enjoy those blogs that remind me that although being a mother is absolutely the most wonderful thing that has happened to many of us, it should not completely define us ~ we are still women!

With that said, I thought I would share two books that I have read recently that I really enjoyed and they focus on both of those roles ~ mother and woman.

The first is ‘The Middle Place’ by Kelly Corrigan. I could not put this book down! It speaks of the ‘middle place’ within us that is a mother of a child yet a child of a parent and so much more. Every woman should read it!
Check out Kelly’s speech , Transcending: Words on Women and Strength ~ very powerful!

The second book is ‘The Successful Child’ by William Sears, M.D., and Martha Sears, R.N. ~ my favorite parenting experts. They believe a successful child is an attached child – not just to family but to the world beyond. They offer practical information and examples you can use to foster a healthy connection. This book is fantastic ~ love, love, love it! Did I say I love it? I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.