Saturday, November 14, 2009

Consumer Product Safety - We are good!!

As you may or may not know, there has been a lot of buzz around children's products and the lead content associated with them ever since we had the big scare. I too was one of those moms who purchased lead testing kits, tested toys and threw away any toy that remotely looked like on on 'the list'.
Anyway, many of us small business have been operating with a fear that we might have to shut down once the full impact of the 2008 CPSIA went into effect. I am writing to tell you that deliciousDESIGNS is compliant with the amended law and you can rest assure that not only will the clothing you purchase from dD be over the top cute, comfortable, and well made, it will also be safe. If you want to learn more, please visit for a great read :-)